Are You Valuable?

Odianume Ighodalo
2 min readSep 12, 2020
Photo by on Unsplash

This is a question I often get to ask myself from time to time. Either it's me working on a client’s briefs, performing work tasks, or chasing creative exploits relevant to my growth as a designer. This question keeps me grounded and here’s why.

It’s really easy to believe that knowledge automatically translates to wisdom, but like anyone who’s tried out starting a youtube channel or organically growing on social media. Just knowing isn’t going to be enough, you have to understand how that knowledge affects things and people.

The truth is, you can know a lot about a lot, but if that knowledge isn’t useful to what you are trying to accomplish, then it doesn’t have an impact, therefore it isn’t valuable in the context of things.

As a professional, you always want to keep an open mind when coming up with solutions, because we live in a rapidly changing world where innovation trumps experience, in fact, if you aren’t careful you may be letting your experience hinder your progress.

The last couple of months have proved that doing things the way they have always been done can get you out of business. Do you have the ability to come up with new answers to old questions?

So my question to you today is a simple one.

“Are you valuable, or are you letting your ego and knowledge turn you into a liability?”

Let's have a discussion down in the comments.

